Quiz gamification

Why Quiz Gamification Works and How to Use it for Engagement and Sales

“I can make up a meaningless English word and turn it into a catchphrase overnight!” – In 1791, a Dublin-based theatre manager, James Daly, threw this challenge at his friend as a bet. 

James had street actors chalk the term ‘Quiz’ all over the city walls, making people curious about it. Since the term was unknown, people thought it was some kind of test.

James won the bet, and the quiz word got added to the vocabulary. 

Did you know that according to Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrases and Fable, this is the famous tale of how the quiz was coined as a word? Interesting, right? 

Now, ask yourselves. Didn’t learning about something that’s in itself is meant to help us test and gain knowledge feel nice?

As per Psychology, such factual or perceived knowledge boosts confidence, and quizzes fulfil this factor along with many others.

Yes, upon digging deeper into why people can’t say no to an online quiz, we found out that through quizzes, people enjoy

  1. Introspection: People want to get to know themselves better, be it by learning about their personality, testing knowledge, improving skills, understanding emotions, etc
  2. Recognition: By sharing quiz results, they like to reflect a sense of who they are and their achievements amongst peers, which leads to an increase in self-fulfilment
  3. Personalisation: The conversational, contextual, interactive, reflective, and recognition aspects of a quiz make it personalised, motivating people to act

And this is why marketers leverage the psychology behind quizzes to engage their users.

Marketers say that interactive content, such as quizzes, generates conversions 70% of the time as compared to passive content, with just 36% conversions (Ion Interactive).

Moreover, quizzes are 20x more effective than pop-ups, have lower cost-per-lead, are most shared online with over 2 million social shares and increase visitor engagement by 4x (Riddle).

Quizzes are among the best ways to acquire, engage and retain customers. But truth be told, just adding a quiz alone won’t serve the purpose.

What can ensure that your quiz gets magnetic participation?

When it’s turned into a gamified challenge! Check out how some of the platforms and apps do this by adopting quiz gamification:

Quiz Gamification Examples

1. Hershey’s E-commerce Quiz

Known as one of the largest chocolate manufacturers in the world, Hershey India partnered with Spotify, a digital music streaming service app, for a Valentine’s Day quiz in 2022.

The #NuttyForYou quiz campaign focussed on promoting one of their core brand’s chocolate, Hershey’s Kisses, wherein,

  1. Users could take up a quiz by picking perfect moments with their partner
  2. Based on their choices, the quiz result showed what kind of couple they are, along with a Nuttiness score
  3. Quiz participants could share their scorecard story on Instagram and tag their partner with Hershey India and #NuttyForYou
  4. One lucky winner could win special prizes
  5. The quiz page also showed a Spotify playlist for the perfect couple

Hershey s Ecommerce Quiz Gamification Valentine s Day Campaign Spotify NuttyForYou

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent Hershey’s
and Spotify’s views and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

Speaking of the campaign’s success, Hershey’s Valentine’s Day quiz campaign with Spotify got thousands of entries with over 10 million reach.

2. Tryg’s Dental Health Quiz

In 2019, Tryg, an insurance company, wanted to generate outbound leads in engaging and fun ways.

One of the services they wanted to increase awareness of was dental insurance.

For this, they ran a five-question dental health quiz and attached an electric toothbrush as a reward to the quiz’s lucky winners.

Tryg Dental Health Quiz Gamification

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent Tryg’s views
and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

Tryg’s quiz gamification was so successful that they gained 29% conversion, 598 leads and an average engagement of 51 seconds.

3. CRED’s Fintech Quiz

Well known for fintech gamification, CRED also offers quizzes on various topics to app users under the rewards section.

Users can participate in different quizzes, such as investing. Here’s how it works:

  1. Start a quiz for 1000 CRED coins
  2. Win coins for each correct answer in topical quizzes
  3. If it’s a brand-specific quiz, get three correct answers to win a reward from the brand

The best part is that each quiz has a weekly leaderboard where players with the most correct answers attain the top ranks.

CRED Quiz Gamification Fintech App

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent CRED’s views
and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

4. Netflix’s Entertainment Quiz

Have you ever been so immersed in a TV show or movie that you found yourself Googling more about it?

Wanting to know more about the actors who played the characters, their interviews, bonus videos, updates, etc?

Such an itch is natural; the subscription-based streaming platform Netflix understood this and launched Tudum in January 2020.

Tudum, Netflix’s companion website, helps users foster their TV shows and movie fandom. It is more like a fan club for Netflix content, which serves all the latest news, best-moment videos, etc.

But the content isn’t the only means Netflix uses to engage such a user community.

Tudum by Netflix also challenges fans to take a quiz based on their favourite shows and movies.

For instance, while announcing the launch of Season 4 of the series, ‘You’, Netflix put together a quiz on the protagonist, Joe Goldberg, to test how closely viewers have watched him in the previous three seasons.

Each player was assigned a score towards the end of the quiz, which they could share on social media.

Netflix Tudum TV Shows Movies Quiz You Joe Entertainment

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent Netflix’s views
and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

This quiz gamification brings out a non-monetary reward aspect, serving the purpose of the aforementioned psychological factor of a quiz, ‘Recognition’.

5. Kahoot’s Edtech Quiz

One great example of gamification in learning is Kahoot, an online game-based learning app for students, teachers, family, friends and professionals.

Users can learn various subjects/topics of their choice via quiz-based games.

They can create quiz templates with questions for solo/group or join existing quiz games using PINs.

Users can also study by answering questions solo or hosting live with peers.

Additional gamification features like Progress bars on course completion and Points for correct answers on a leaderboard make the Kahoot ed-tech app engaging.

Kahoot Learning Quiz Gamification Edtech App

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent Kahoot’s views
and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

Today, the learning app has over 70 million MAUs (Monthly Active Users).

6. Buzzfeed Media Quiz

Buzzfeed, a digital media company, challenges users to make a Subway Sandwich as part of a quiz.

Based on the options users pick, they tell them which career, personality, generation, age, etc., they belong to.

Buzzfeed also launched a sponsored quiz with Subway Canada, which got an impressive engagement of over 246 comments on a single quiz in the quiz series.

Buzzfeed Subway Sandwich Quiz Gamification Media Entertainment

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent Buzzfeed’s views
and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

“Are you a Thelma or Louise?” — Bourbon and Boots, a lifestyle blog, also used seven quizzes to engage users and increase leads.

Their quizzes were contextual in terms of the products they sold.

So, instead of promoting blog and product-specific ads across different platforms, they generated ad traffic for quizzes.

As a result, the cost per click for one of the quizzes came down to $0.03, and the overall quiz campaign got them over 35k eCommerce leads and increased sales by 2x in 3 weeks.

7. AML App’s Employee Engagement Quiz

Let’s face it. There’s not much difference between skipping an ad and quizzes on mandatory training modules on learning and development.

Very often, employees and teams tend to complete training modules for the sake of it, which isn’t ideal.

So, how can companies engage their employees? By using gamification in training.

95% of employees prefer a gamified work experience, resulting in a 60% increase in engagement and a 40% increase in skills retention (SHRM).

AML app caters to this by offering anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing training to organisations via a gamified certification course.

AML App Employee Training Anti Money Laundering Quiz Gamification

(Disclaimer: This image is for informational purposes only. Opinions or points expressed represent AML app’s views
and don’t necessarily represent the official position or policies of Gamize by OGL.)

  1. The training app uses interactive dialogues and Point-based quizzes, making quizzes fun
  2. Employees can gain Points for every correct answer and lose specific points for incorrect answers
  3. Based on this, a scoring system gets reflected along with a leaderboard
  4. Battles get unlocked upon reaching specific points wherein employees can challenge each other to rise in the ranks

With over 200 trainings provided, the AML app is an excellent example of employee engagement through gamification.

How to Use A Gamified Quiz

Quizzes are among the best gamification examples to engage customers and increase conversions. However, as mentioned before, the success of a quiz campaign depends on how you design it.

How should the quiz look? Should it be daily, weekly or monthly? What questions to ask and what products to promote? What reward do participants get?

We’ve got the answers to all these questions! Gamize, a SaaS gamification platform, helps you set up a quiz by following five simple steps, saving your technical and maintenance crunch.

With International Men’s Day around the corner, let’s try and create a Men’s Day gamified quiz together using our gamification software, shall we?

Step 1: Select the ‘Super Quiz’ template under ‘Gamify Engagement’. Here’s where we describe our quiz and add look elements like background images or colour. We can also add a timer to our quiz based on preference.

Step 1 Quiz Gamification Campaign

Step 2: After this, we will pick the card colour, border, thickness and radius for our primary quiz or trivia, questions, options (right and wrong), and play button for media-based questions.

Step 2 Quiz Gamification Campaign.gif

Step 3: Next comes the central pillar of a quiz – questions. We can add questions manually or even upload them. The best part is that the questions can be in text, image, audio and video formats, and their style is configurable.

Step 3 Quiz Gamification Campaign.gif

Step 4: Finally, we can decide on the quiz schedule, daily or weekly, till Men’s Day arrives, set details of links the CTA will redirect to (Gift collection for men in our case) and Save.

Step 4 Quiz Gamification Campaign.gif

Step 5: Once we’ve created our quiz, we can set up a quiz offer under ‘Reward’, add a Leaderboard from the ‘Game Mechanics’ section, and set your Quiz Campaign under ‘Engagement Campaign’.

Step 5 Quiz Gamification Campaign.gif

That’s how you launch a quiz campaign using plug-and-play gamification software. Want to explore more? Book a free demo here.